Machine Learning in Action
April 17, 2022Practice makes permenant
Written by Maxwell Pan who lives and works in Shanghai building useful things. You should follow them on Twitter
Practice makes permenant
Practice,Practice,practice. Stay hungry,Stay foolish.
Data visualization is the graphical of data in order to interactively and efficiently convey insights to clients,customers,and stakeholders in general,It is a way to summarize your findings and display it in a form that facilities interpretation and can help in identifying patterns or trends.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
The best day for you travel.
Hello, and welcome to Machine Learning with Python. In this course, you’ll learn how Machine Learning is used in many key fields and industries. For example, in the health care industry, data scientists use Machine Learning to predict whether a human cell that is believed to be at risk of developing cancer, is either benign or malignant. As such, Machine learning can play a key role in determining a person’s health and welfare. You’ll also learn about the value of decision trees and how building a good decision tree from historical data helps doctors to prescribe the proper medicine for each of their patients. You’ll learn how bankers use machine learning to make decisions on whether to approve loan applications. And you will learn how to use machine learning to do bank customer segmentation, where it is not usually easy to run for huge volumes of varied data.
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